How to Choose the Perfect Paint Color for Your Home
Redecorating your home can be exciting. You might be ready to head over to your local home improvement store and pick out an array of colors, anxiously waiting while the employee uses the paint lid press to secure the cans. As exciting as this can be, this might not be the best way to redesign your home. Picking the perfect paint color for your home can be tricky and there are a few rules you can follow to make sure you make a good choice.
Where to Start
When you start to put together your new design, don’t pick your paint color first. If you do this, it can be tempting to choose bright and unique colors if you don’t have the furniture or art to match it. This can later prove an obstacle to your efforts, though.
Don’t go in to redecorating blindly. Make sure that when you start making changes you have an inspiration that will guide you through the process. You can find pictures online or in magazines of homes and designs that you love and use these as a template for how you will arrange your new home.
General Rules
There are some general rules you can follow when choosing paint colors that will help you stick to a more modern design. The first is to stick with neutral colors for your walls. This might sound boring, but it gives you the opportunity to use art and furniture as your color accents. When your walls are neutral, your room can take on any color pallet you want.
Once you choose a few neutral colors, use the tester samples to see how it looks on your wall. Paint can sometimes appear to be different shades out of the can, depending on the light in your home. Testers can help you to ensure the color looks the way you want it to.