How To Create a Backyard Paradise in 4 Steps

Have you ever come back from a vacation and wished you could enjoy paradise every day of the year? Perhaps you visited lush, blooming gardens and spent time near a body of water with your legs kicked u enjoying Bahama mamas or some other exotic drink. You’ll be happy to know you don’t have to go on vacation to enjoy those things year-round. Why not create your own backyard oasis? Here are some ideas to get you started. 

1. You Need Shade

Come rain or shine, if you’re going to fully enjoy your new paradise you’ll need a bit of protective shade. A pergola is a perfect solution as it is reminiscent of Hawaii or some other tropical haven and you can find pergola retractable coverings to customize your experience. If it’s cloudy, go ahead and retract it. If the sun is bearing down on our porch, go ahead and provide some cover. 

2. You Need Water

You don’t need a pool to enjoy the coolness of water. A small pond or fountain will do just fine. If you need a little wildlife in the mix, think about adding koi or goldfish to your pond. You’ll find it relaxing to watch them when they’re active during the day. 

3. You Need Greenery

You don’t need to be a gardener to enjoy the beauty of plants. Potted plants are seasonal, and they provide the same ambiance with less work as they are also less apt to need to be weeded. Some varieties can even be wintered over in your garage to provide lush foliage the next summer. 

4. You Need Seating

The last step is to add comfortable seating. A table and cushioned chairs will provide an area where you can read or enjoy dinner with family or friends. 

In four simple steps, you’ve created a backyard paradise. Now, when you come home from vacation you’ll be happy you returned. 

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