3 Ways To Prepare for the First Big Snowfall

It may be hard to believe after being stuck inside in quarantine for so long, but winter is upon us. If you live in a climate that gets snow in the winter and have taken minimal steps to prepare, here are three simple things that you can do right now so that you aren’t scrambling when the first snow falls.
Have a Snow Removal Plan
Snow removal on driveways and walkways is something you should work out now. Are you going to do it yourself? Are you going to hire a company or a trusted neighbor to handle things? Roof snow removal plans are equally as important, as heavy snow on your roof could cause water damage or cave-ins. Take the time now to decide how you will handle the snow before it starts to fall.
Buy Ice Melt
One million Americans are injured due to slip-and-fall injuries annually. Even if it isn’t snowing, you still aren’t 100% safe when you walk outside in the cold. If extremely cold weather is predicted or a freeze warning is issued, you should put ice melt down before the freeze happens. Purchase some now so that you have it available when needed.
Get Your HVAC Serviced
Nothing is worse than losing your heater during the coldest time of the year. Get regular service checks performed on your HVAC systems to help prevent breakdown when you need heat the most. If a trusted company tells you that you need to spend money to improve performance or fix an issue, believe them and get it done. If you contract with an HVAC company, some even provide free check-ups as part of your deal with them.
Don’t get stuck this winter with impassible snow or dangerous ice on your walkways. Follow these simple tips, and you’ll be the most prepared neighbor on the block.