Not Just Another Night – The Story of a Damaged Garage

You were sleeping peacefully just moments ago when all of a sudden you heard the most horrendous crashing sound. The clock said it was only 2 am, but the wailing from some vehicle near your home was going crazy as if it were the middle of the day. You could swear you feel your home shaking, so you run downstairs to find a neighbor banging on your front door to report there was an accident. Someone crashed his or her car into your garage just moments ago – and it is still there.

Image result for The Story of a Damaged Garage

1. Call 911

Grab your phone and call 911. Give the dispatcher your address and ask for a medical team to come help extract the individual in the car still stuck in your garage. Don’t try to get the driver out of the vehicle yourself or offer aid; you could do further damage to his or her body.

2. Take Photos

Turn on your porch lights and take photos of the vehicle, the scene, your garage, and the driver. If the driver is coherent, take a video of him or her explaining what happened. Do take photos of your garage door, but don’t try to enter the garage, even through a secondary door – it may cause instability in the damaged structure.

3. Contact Insurance

Leave a message for the insurance company, even if it is two in the morning. Give as many details as you have and request that your agent return your phone call in the morning.

4. Locate Help

Phone a property damage attorney and a garage door repair Denton TX company. You will need the services of both to get your home back to where it was before the driver plowed into your garage. You may also need a vehicle repair shop if the driver hit the garage door hard enough to crash into your car inside the garage.

It wasn’t a pleasant way to wake up, but you can know if you take these four steps you are doing your best to cover the situation. You are probably wondering what tomorrow will bring!

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