Turn Your Empty Barn into a Boarding Business

Are you a horse person with a barn and some time on your hands? Consider starting a horse boarding business to make some extra money. If you are already involved in farming, you probably have most of the equipment you will need–especially if you want to put up your own hay–like a tractor and a double bale hay spear. Here are some other points to consider if you want to get into the horse boarding business.
You need more than a love of horses to start a business like this. You have to get along with your human customers, too. A stable owner needs to be diplomatic but firm. Your word goes in your barn but you will need to be able to keep both your equine and human customers happy.
Be clear about what you offer and what you expect from boarders. Full board means that you do everything, while partial board includes some but not all of the care of the horse. Sometimes clients share responsibilities like mucking out stalls on a rotating basis.
Zoning Regulations
Check the zoning rules in your area to make sure you are allowed to run an agricultural business on your property. It can be frustrating to be told you can’t do something on your own property, but it is worse to have to close a business after you have invested money in it.
If you need to renovate or build new facilities, make sure you have the money on hand or can get financing from a bank. Paying customers expect the best conditions possible.
If you live within a half hour’s drive of an affluent area, you have a good chance of being successful with a general boarding stable. But if you are in a more remote area, consider specializing in a niche market. People are always looking for places to board older horses, mares and foals, stallions or other specialty animals. Another idea is a short-term horse motel.
Turn your love of horses into a business. Take time to do research for greater success.